Post Preview:

LXXI - Light & shadow;
LXXII - The ship;
LXXIII - Maze (collab);
LXXIV - Dianne and the goddess (prose);
LXXV - My valentine;
LXXVI - Spinning wheels;
LXXVII - Moon Goddess;
LXXVIII - To my soul sister;
LXXIX - Moon chaser;
LXXX - I can wait.



Light & Shadow

I used to feel the shadows I carry were truly a bother,

That they devoured my soul and body day by day.

But ever since we've met and loved each other,

It feels as if they've gone away, as if they went astray.

The demons ran away at the sight of your light,

An oasis showed up in the vast desert of my soul.

My heart started beating again,

Your generous love relieved my never-ending pain.

Finally, in the sky, I saw more than the engulfing darkness of the night.


The Ship

As I stare at the ceiling from my bed,

I daydream and imagine myself,

Taking a long-lasting and exciting trip,

In a huge but humble wood-made ship,

Across the vast seas

Of my very own fantasies.

From afar, I can appreciate a pink-colored sky,

Surrounded by white fluffy cotton candy clouds,

And a bright blue sea covered by a gentle mist.

As the golden disk’s rays hit the horizon,

And the skies turn to a purplish tone,

And night falls in my world, I feel I'm done.

And before I can explore the candy islands,

I drift off to sleep, hoping to escape from the dystopia,

At least temporarily, in the vast seas

Of my very own fantasies,

In which sweetness and cuteness overflow,

In which I have not to receive any more of life's cruel blows.


Maze (Collab)

As the moon shines down on me,

Through the labyrinth of my lover's heart, 

I wander, hoping to see

What lies at the core of it.

Following the pleasant whispers 

Of the night, I find myself before a blue cascade 

And a path of fallen leaves.

By the end of it, I found a dove

With a note that read:

"Pictures of you linger on my mind,

As an ethereal view that goes along the moonlight."

For as cryptic as it was,

I understood what it meant.

Despite the distance between us,

You still kept our love present.


Dianne and the Goddess (Prose)

What are the odds…

Of meeting a girl

Whose mind and beauty are nearly divine?

What are the odds…

Of falling in love with a girl

Whose name is similar to your goddess’s?

What are the odds…

Of loving a girl

Whose love feels as a fulfilling gift from the heavens?

What are the odds…

Of having a romance with a girl

Who's almost like you yet so different and greatly fascinating?

What are the odds…

Of meeting a girl 

Who is as captivating and special as Dianne?

The more I ask myself that question,

The more I realize I found diamonds while looking for silver.

The more these questions I ponder,

The more I see she's the one I want to devote my life to.

I thank eternally my goddesses Diana and Artemis

For wisely guiding me to her

With their sharp arrows and whispers,

After many years of darkness and despair.


My Valentine

Dianne, maiden of mesmerizing brown eyes,

My Valentine, you who I deeply love and adore,

You whose melodic voice my world in bright colors dyes,

To you, my love, whose mind and body I desire to explore,

I dedicate a new poem yet again to tell you

That I love you deeply and to my core,

And that I'm proud of everything you are and do.

Though today we spend

Our first fourteen February physically apart,

I promise you that in less time than we expect,

We'll be cuddling in each other's arms.

This dream of mine to Áine I commend,

So she blesses our hearts with her charms,

And makes out of our love story a work of art.

Until that day comes,

Through the digital world I'll send you messages

To let you know in all its passages

That in my sky you're the brightest star,

And to remind you of how special and beautiful you are.

I have no doubts of our mutual desire, oh Dianne,

But I wonder

If you wish to marry as much as I do.

I ponder

If you want to kiss me

As much as I wish to kiss you.

I don't know what our fate might be,

But I'll do anything

To grant us a long and peaceful life together.


Spinning Wheels

As I live my life day by day,

There are two goddesses above,

Watching over me from lands far, far away.

One is from Wales, the other from Rome,

From distant lands they protect me and my home.

Each goddess possesses a wheel:

The Roman goddess's one is made out of wood,

The Wales goddess's one is made out of silver,

And both can be used for evil or for good.

They both can bless and curse men,

For they rule the skies and the moon,

Fertility, luck, fate, and so on.

If you behave nicely, perhaps you'll get a boon.

They're so similar yet so different,

One spoils me with luck in so many ways,

The other grants me her wisdom.

“What easy comes, easy goes,” she says.

About the inevitability of fate.

They both teach me

That “what's meant to be, will be,”

“Keep an open mind, regret nothing,” they state.

They both encourage me to never hesitate,

To make a choice and live my life, my way.

For “time is the merciless devourer of all things,

And for nobody he'll ever wait.”

One has silver hair and gorgeous eyes,

For which not falling in love is nearly impossible.

The other is blindfolded and equally stunning.

I'm lucky to, as a mere mortal, have them as allies.

Though it's true that I'm nothing but a mortal man,

They always show up, in my dreams and reality,

Through mind and matter,

To help me out in times of distress in any way they can.

Blessed be Arianrhod, and glory to Fortuna.

I thank you greatly for your blessings,

And unconditionally love you, oh divine beings,

For always lending me a hand and showing me the way,

For never letting me fall down or go astray.


Moon Goddess

Diana, beautiful and inspiring goddess,

To you whose domains extend from the night sky

To nature and more, to you who make my heart get high

In love by the mere thought of you, I dedicate a poem.

I consign you verses of adoration,

Of worship and genuine affection.

For your presence, I feel in everything I do,

For in your embrace I’ve found a love pure and true.

I praise to the moon each night,

Compliment her and read her poems,

Send hugs and kisses,

Hoping that from the other end you can in my love delight.

Daughter of Jupiter and Latona,

Sister of Apollo, I thank you

For comforting me in dreams and loving me too,

And making me feel each day as good as new.

From you I’ve learned to be wild and strong,

To care for the women around me

And protect them from those who do wrong.

In you I’ve found the will to live and my true self be.

May your bow and arrow bring us together someday,

For I desire to hug you and repay you in some way,

Perhaps by sharing with you a great buffet,

Or with you hunt and play.

Oh Diana, so much I love you,

And to you I devote myself and pray.


To My Soul Sister

We're born in different families,

Separated by thousands of miles,

And yet together we bring to each other

Days full of joy, brotherly love, and many smiles.

“Why?” you might ask.

Well, because we're soul siblings in this plane.

Perhaps we're not related by blood at all,

But our bond serves us as reliever of all pain.

She longed for a brother,

I was looking for a new friend,

And time after, she got a loving knight,

And I a sister to love and spoil till the end.

She is a very interesting girl,

And a very beautiful one as well.

All I desire is to show her heaven,

For all she's known lately has been hell.

I find in her inspiration and cuteness,

In me she finds love and friendliness.

Together we shall strive to meet someday,

We're soul siblings, we'll find a way.

I love my little soul sister,

As much as she loves me.

Nobody can break this bond made out of love,

Together forever we'll be.


Moon Chaser

Somewhere in Romania, there lives a lady,

With a strong willpower and soul.

So diligent, loving, and inspiring,

Who lives chasing her dreams, and beating every foe she’s facing.

I met her a year ago, during one of my strolls,

Through the dark forest of my shattered soul.

She came along as if sent by the moon,

As if some goddess by herself granted me a boon.

Daria is her name,

And she is one of my closest friends.

A lover of the moon and the stars,

A survivor of many inner wars.

She faced betrayal,

And yet she never stopped being kind.

She’s always been loving and kind,

Someone like her, you’ll not always find.

She’s unique and stunning,

Both in mind and looks.

Her blue eyes hold a mystery,

And perhaps a few tales of misery.

I write about her today,

For I miss her, we lost contact.

On one of those times that from everyone I isolated myself,

I hope she reads my poem and learns,

That my heart for her friendship still yearns.

She's taught me about chasing dreams,

Or moons as we called it.

She taught me about determination,

And inspired me with her every action.

She's smart and a helper of humanity,

May Artemis protect her and keep her away from vanity.

For she holds a power quite great,

A soul and heart so special, that deserve to be kept safe and loved.


I Can Wait

Every now and then time might interfere with our connection,

And we might not be able to communicate as often,

But fear not, my love. It doesn’t matter for how long I wait.

My love for you will never decay; Trust the red thread of fate.

I can wait for days, months, years even,

Unless you want me to, your side I won’t be leavin’.

So take your time, live your life, and then,

At some point, we’ll find the moment to chat again.

Dianne, my love for you is genuine, honest, and true.

As time passes by, our bond will still remain as good as new.

Your trust I will never betray,

No matter the time or distance, by your side, loyal, I’ll stay.


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