Post Preview:
LXXXI - Missing her;LXXXII - Persona;
LXXXIII - The Shadow;
LXXXIV - Burning all regret and dread;
LXXXV - Realms of the mind;
LXXXVI - For the broken;
LXXXVII - Reassurance;
LXXXVIII - Happy day to the woman I love;
LXXXIX - Inhumane treatment;
XC - To learn your language.
Missing Her
This feeling is so unexpected and new to me.
Never would I have imagined this is how it’d be,
And feel, to miss you so much in just a day of absence.
This feeling of emptiness and longing for your presence
Is so horrible and beautiful at the same time.
I know we’ll connect again,
And that these feelings will eventually fade.
These feelings of utter sadness and pain.
I dare say, in the meantime, that the wait won't be in vain.
These tears only prove how deeply I stick to the vow I made.
My understanding of life and death was lame
Before I started playing a well-known game
That goes by the name of Persona three
This is my story, you see.
Before playing it, I didn't get
The true meaning of being alive and free.
My social skills were lame, you bet.
Through it, I learned to be a true friend to some degree.
Back then, I was dealing with severe depression.
I was alone and lost, suicide became my obsession.
I just laid in bed with a sharp silver knife
As I failed on my latest attempt to take my own life.
Browsing the web, I found out about this game.
At the time, it seemed the series had much fame.
I found the third installment interesting,
So I got the game and started playing it, just testing.
The theme, music, philosophy, and mechanics of it
Made it difficult for me to quit.
I felt understood and found myself immersed.
In a world in which I actually mattered, it satiated my attention thirst.
I made many wonderful friends in it,
And many formidable foes as well.
Little by little, hope invaded my little hell.
I felt that perhaps in my own world, I could also fit.
The protagonist and I had much in common.
We were both quiet, depressed,
And also quite traumatized and stressed.
By different circumstances not so uncommon.
We grew together as persons with the aid of our social links,
Who stood with us till the very end.
In the last battle, with our friends, we gave it our all.
We were ready to make the boss' tower fall.
Together we had to thrive,
To learn to live.
We burned our dread and pain,
And nothing we've done was in vain.
In the Velvet Room, that exists between dream and reality,
I've found, and forged, my new identity.
And through mind and matter, this game inspired me,
To chase the version of myself that I’ve always wanted to be.
The Arcana is the means by which all is revealed.
This game taught me to never yield,
To see life and death through different lenses.
To be the best version of myself, the one that lied within me all along, asleep and sealed.
The Shadow
In the end, nobody is truly alone.
Your shadow is always with you,
No matter where you go nor what you do.
She's not something you can get rid of or disown.
Between the Persona and the Self, she lies,
Imprisoned by the Ego who her existence denies.
A part of the mind that you hide,
A part of your soul that's been unconsciously set aside.
She is the Shadow, the true self.
Her rejection could result in the projection
Of your shadow onto other individuals.
So beware, and instead, shower her with affection.
She embodies all the traits you perceive as negative
She's what's shameful, and also positive
She might not correspond the ego ideal
But that doesn't mean she's something you must conceal.
If we all accept our shadows as they are,
If we integrate and embrace them.
Rising from heavenly skies and sea,
Our soul's potential we'll finally see.
Burning All Regret and Dread
At times, in the face of the world's the criticism and animosity,
The voices of despair overwhelm my ears,
And I fall prisoner to them and my fears.
Sweat starts to flow, my body freezes,
The dread my heart mercilessly squeezes.
Darkness is all I get to see out of the corner of my eye.
All I can do is give up on everything and cry.
At times, I feel not even in the divine I can rely.
But then, as my tears go dry,
A different voice calls, reminding me
That only I can set myself free.
So I call forth the blazing fire
Of my own soul, and instead of running away,
I keep moving on ahead.
Fueled by my greatest desire to my life lead,
Taking control of my own destiny,
To ultimately burn my dread.
Realms of the Mind
As you wake up and take a look around,
You see a woman singing an aria on a stage in the background,
And a blindfolded man playing on the piano,
A melody that accompanies the voice of the soprano.
There's also in sight
An artist that paints fiends and deities with all his might,
And also a mysterious long-nosed old man,
That stares at you for as long as he can.
His name is Igor; he is the host,
And guide to all those who feel lost
After awakening the power of their soul,
The Wild Card that can change the world as a whole.
"Only those who are by a contract bound,
May enter this place, to explore their powers newfound,"
He explains, "And to also learn about the new realms they now perceive all around."
The Fool grows alongside the many bonds
He makes, and from evil he never absconds.
The wielder of this Arcana holds infinite potential,
Which for his journey is quite essential.
The Velvet Room exists between dream and reality, mind and matter,
And serves as a place in which Wild Card wielders
Can enter to gain and acquire insight and new powers.
But for this poem that's nothing but chatter.
If you ever decide to accept your fate
To face it head on and take action before it's too late
If you choose to burn your dread and get out there
Perhaps you'll awaken and be worthy of visiting the Velvet Room
Perhaps you'll become the next hero who'll save the world from doom.
For The Broken
Perhaps in this very moment,
You feel lonely, hurt, and sad.
All languages in which I'm fluent,
I've been there too, at the verge of going mad,
Feeling utterly bad, stuck, lost; you get it.
Some souls say you're hardworking and bright,
Others that you are loyal and nice.
But they all agree on one thing, that you are as beautiful as the moon at night.
Are you perhaps an angel sent from the skies?
The birds chirped to me some time ago a sad melody.
They also told me that you are often treated horrendously
By her who claims to be your mother.
The birds tell me how in despair you smother.
So I can't help but offer my hand to you
And promise that if you let me in to your heart,
To your sadness and pain, you can bid adieu,
For I offer genuine friendship, a chance to your life restart.
If you need advice,
I'll share with you words from the wise.
If you need to vent and cry,
I'll hear you out till you feel better, and they go dry.
I can be your friend, your confidant,
A clown, a psychologist, or anything you need and want.
I cannot take you to heaven,
But I can make you experience it twenty-four seven.
I am the Magician and the Wheel,
Your greatest ally in your every ordeal.
I am just me, a wandering poet wannabe,
Someone who cares about your dreams and how you feel.
In summary, you are not alone.
You have friends who care about you, even in lands unknown.
So now, shining diamond, if you will, take my hand,
And let us make our way to Neverland.
I love my friends, it's true,
But they all are aware of who my heart truly belongs to.
I may love my pantheon too,
But they also have a clue.
My friends all have a special place in my heart,
But only she owns the most important part.
For in my kingdom, she is the Queen,
In my eyes, the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen.
I am in love with her, and her alone.
She's my only romance, the only one worthy of my heart's throne.
I want none of my friends to feel less cared for,
But I set boundaries to keep things between us platonic and nothing more.
I care for my friends' well-being and happiness,
For that fills in my heart's vastness.
But my girlfriend remains as my top priority.
There is, in that regard, no space for dubiety.
I stick to my word to never cheat,
To never, with another gal, flirt nor for their heart compete.
And if I ever fail, I swear, that from her side I shall retire,
And may I please be cursed to burn on hell's fire.
I may, perhaps, have made mistakes of which I might, or not, be aware,
But I won't care to entertain the thought hard enough as to drive me to despair.
I strive to be better for our sake each day,
And for our love to be genuine and eternal, to the heavens, I pray.
Happy Day To The Woman I Love
Happy International Women's Day to you, my dear.
To you who are to me, loving, caring, and sincere.
Happy Day to you who I greatly respect and adore,
To you, woman, who pushes your limits each day a bit more.
I want to remind you once again
That I'm really proud of you
For every single thing you do,
That I'm proud to see you're still standing despite all past pain.
You're truly admirable, oh love of mine,
Thanks for letting our paths and souls combine.
The more I learn about you each day,
The closer I want us to stay.
You're so diligent and smart,
So stunning like a true piece of art.
My love, you are so interesting and mysterious at times,
Your mind is a maze, your heart a complex poem that harmonically rhymes.
You withstood so many years of ups and downs,
You remained determined through each of life's rounds.
And now it's time I do my part as your partner,
To spoil you every day,
And wash your worries and stress away.
You shall experience sadness and loneliness nevermore,
For I'll stay with you, faithful and loyal, forevermore.
You are the only woman in this world that I allow myself to adore,
The one I see as my one and only Queen.
Declare my love to you through poems,
Is the least I can do, and one day I might write
Anthems about our journey together despite the distance.
Not only that, though, but also about our persistence.
Note, oh love, how your name signs the poem's ownership in the end;
Easy it was not, to make it, as a stanza, blend.
Inhumane Treatment
How dare you disrespect your wife?
How dare you be so evil to insult her during strife?
How dare you belittle her, you beast?
How can you be as savage as to treat her as a stranger?
How can you put, with your hurtful words, her mental health in danger?
How can you be so blind to realize that you're ruining it all?
Why are you an asshole with your family?
Why are you treating your children like an anomaly?
Why are you so out of your goddamn mind?
When did you fall as low as to think you're the king?
When did you fall as low as to treat your wife as a thing?
When did you become the epitome of toxicity?
Will you ever make a change or open your eyes?
Will you save our family's bond before what’s left of it dies?
Please, I beg you, oh father, to let go of the teachings of our devilish and cruel grandmother.
To Learn Your Language
Of all languages there is in love, my dear,
The ones I desire to become fluent in are in yours.
To ensure our love endures,
To make you feel on cloud nine and make your sadness and fears disappear.
Like you, nobody will ever love me.
Yours and only yours, I desire to be.
Equally, never will I ever love somebody else as much as I love you,
No matter who they are nor what they do.
This love story is ours and ours alone,
Our future together, I dare say, might be set in stone.
Even when in our bad days hope's out of sight,
Never we must give up on the fight.
No matter how much we desire from this world to vanish,
Never we must let our fighting spirits go stagnant and perish.
I'm getting tired of my own journey's battles, that, I know, is true,
About the outcome of all this, we have still no clue.
But I know bearing all this pain will someday be worth it,
If to give it our all in every battle, we both commit.
If anything I've learned from the past couple of months together is that
Despite our differences and flaws, our love could still stand, it never fell flat.
Our affection kept rising, and we've daily chosen each other,
Despite misunderstandings, we always found ways to understand and comfort one another.
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