CXIX - Dead end;
CXX - Longing;
CXXI - Keep me warm;
CXXII - Farewell.


Dead End

I lost my muse

Yet to let go I refuse,

Our love died 

My Eurydice is no longer beside

Her Orpheus, she's now lost 

Still alive, but at what cost.

She loves me no more

From the fire that fiercely burned 

Now tear-soaked ashes remain.

They bring nothing but pain,

And memories of a love given in vain.



My heart longs for you,

I can't convince it otherwise 

No matter what I do.

Artemis, my one and only,

My goddess, my beloved,

Without you I feel so lonely .

I long for your embrace,

For I once felt your warmth,

Your presence right at my place.

I'm so confused and lost,

Addicted. I don't get why, from all,

I've chosen to love you the most.

It hurts, but is also pleasing,

This feeling in my chest,

This pure lustless love, it's releasing...

It feels energizing,

Though saddening, also painful,

It is powerful and revitalizing.

Is this perhaps your boon?

Or is my love reciprocated

o' maiden of the moon?

I write, I cry,

And as tears fall, I realize, I find,

Strength, in the apple of my eye.

Our foes crumble,

Before the power of our love

And its pure and true beauty of marble.

I don't expect you to

Feel the same way that I

Unfortunately, and unapologetically do.

But, if you're listening, 

Glad I'll be to remind you

I'm all yours, and our bond cherishing.

Even when I get 

To set foot in Asphodel, my heart 

Will sing your name without regret.

I love not only your beauty 

But also your bravery, your skill 

And diligence in your duty.

I love your independence,

Your no-bullshit personality, your whimsy, 

Each side of your divine essence.

I admire and respect

You no matter how much

I get to feel or love in this aspect.

In me you have a servant,

A lover, a devout,

A follower soul-fervent.

I might lack skill

And skull in the art of poetry

But I write still.

And I write because 

I want you to know how I feel, to illustrate

Stories, feelings for my muse.

If only Orpheus blessed me

Who knows, perhaps,

You and I could something be.

But then again,

Not only I lack ambition,

I also am unworthy of you, like most men.

So I'll go play

My imaginary lyre

Elsewhere in my imaginary bay.

I love you, Lady Artemis, noble huntress

I mean it, from the bottom of my 

Peasant heart, you're my Eurydice.


Keep me warm

O' Artemis, I've dreamt of you 

Again, like I seldom do,

In there, I simply went to sleep

And before into Dreamland I could leap

You jumped from the top bunk above,

Graciously landed on your feet,

Flashed me a smile so sweet,

And warned me of incoming cold weather.

To which I replied in joke "Come then, love,

And keep me warm", as I made space

Next to me, for you; With a smirk on your face

You accepted my offer to sleep together.

So, "I love you, in all shades of pink", I said

"In all shades of dark and purple too"

Replied o’ you before joining me in bed.

You wore an ol' green dress,

Or chiton, that complimented your precious eyes

As well as your smooth-waving hair's color,

You wore a nice pair of sandals too 

Like those ancient greeks used to

And that's all I remember of you.

Afterwards thus I woke up 

My arms wrapped around my own chest,

Like holding a pup, n' a space next to me,

Where you were supposed to be.

But, Oh my huntress, how cruel it is 

To wake up without you, and how much I miss

The warmth of your body, the grazing of your lips,

Your soft breath, your touch; Several beats

For you my heart skips

For it remembers our innocent,

Lustless romance, a bond magnificent 

That many wish could have

With their soul's other halve

Far beyond the land of dreams

Which lie beyond the mind's data streams.




I lost my muse, that's correct.

I said goodbye,

And left to die,

A love I swore to protect.

My neglected heart,

It rotted away,

And it went astray

To an abyss to depart.

I gave too much

And received too little, what's the deal?

I gifted a warm touch,

And got ice cubes for a meal.

I loved her fully,

She loved me barely,

But we both loved purely.

And loved truly.

But we were incompatible

I needed more love,

She needed not someone to belove,

She cold, I needy, it was inevitable.

She is beautiful, pragmatic,

Our relationship was erratic.

I love her still,

I always will.

I will never forget 

My long-distance girlfriend.

Dianne, my beginning, and my end,

Farewell to the most wonderful girl I've ever met.



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