Post Preview:

  • To the DunBroch Princess.
  • Suicidal Maniac Returns.
  • Lunatic Lunatism.
  • Sea Maidens.
  • Lorelei, my dear.
  • Selkie.
  • To my True Valentine.
  • Valentine's With Her.
  • Eavesdropping (musical).
  • Quality Time.
  • Inspire Me, Leanan.
  • Endless Mentors.
  • Acquiring adaptability throught stories.
  • Wont you join me?
  • No fun.
  • To be a woman.
  • Melinoë.
  • Demons of Lust.
  • Single till Death.
  • Zagreus.
  • Raw Reality.
  • Fugly Curse.
  • We Still Persist.
  • Godly Company. 
  • Sisterhood (Tastes like freedom). 
  • Free Me, Melinoë.
  • Blessed Be, Scathach.
  • Hades' Realm.
  • The Meadows.
  • Moirai.
  • To Hyuna.
  • Centaur Maiden.

To the DunBroch Princess

From childhood I've admired you,
For like you there are only a few;
Your highness, so brave and fierce,
Through my heart your gaze could pierce.

In me you might've instilled affection,
But no foes would stare in your direction,
For in those eyes burns the mighty flame
Of a rebellious soul that nobody can tame.

Through the hardships of noble family life
You've learned the ways of the bow and knife,
You've learned to love and learned to rule,
As your family too has learned to not be cruel.

I am but a humble bard as you are aware
Yet I know very well what you had to bear
To defend your hand and DunBroch's throne
From dogmas and even threats of the unknown.

Know, oh princess, that you'll never be alone,
I shall write about you and many praises intone,
And the people will forevermore love, indeed,
The princess who defied the norms and creed.

Your blue eyes seem blessed by the skies,
Your reddish curls reminisce of bonfires,
In soul and body you're the most breathtaking,
I'd lie if I denied that about you I'm often thinking.

Suicidal Maniac Returns

I punch myself to ease the pain
Of a constant anger I can't contain,
I make myself bleed, scream insane,
The demons came back once again.

With my nails I scratch my own skin
Till blood starts pouring from within,
I hit my head against everything,
The pain becoming so damn alluring.

I scream and squirm, and cry,
My sanity has said goodbye,
I isolate thus once again, yes,
Hoping to feel despair's caress.

My heartbeat quickens in pace,
On the floor I sit, to my legs I brace,
I give up, breathe in, breathe out,
My dad's gun is all I can think about.

I retrieve it and get to the bathroom,
I aim at my temple, think of my tomb,
I look into my torn twisted reflection,
The mirror seems to have no objection.

I pull the trigger, slowly, gently, calm,
Then I remember my sister, my mom,
I think of the bloody mess I'd be leaving,
I stop myself from my goal achieving.

I couldn't do it, I cry in anger, scream,
Cowardice has won, now rules supreme,
I keep hitting things, I hide the gun away,
Exhausted I fall asleep, fall down in dismay.

The impact was light, I fell like a feather,
I had no powers to put myself together,
I closed my eyes and called it a day,
My suicide can be postponed it's okay.

Life has only gotten worse, of course,
Not pulling the trigger I deeply remorse,
The insults come and go, violence ensues,
Perhaps I just gotta adapt to this abuse.

I keep hitting myself, ripping my skin,
Now I just do it with a bittersweet grin,
I drown in pain and cry myself to sleep;
Death, come and claim your little sheep.

Everyday repeats itself, over and over,
I let the sweetened madness take over,
I've broken all the masks I once had,
It was about time I went all mad.

Lunatic Lunatism

My pen I hold up, shadows I summon,
Stars I draw down like once did Solomon,
The fire within lights up and words rain
Down into my papers like a complex chain.

Stories come to life, memories, dreams
My heart, my soul, hear oh their screams,
I'm being reborn, leaving behind my shell,
To my old life and friends I had bid farewell.

Writing has only led me to one singular place,
One in which I fearlessly shadows embrace,
I let em come and go in and out of my mind
To transform into a true poet, a me redesigned.

Hyde and Jekyll make a treaty within me,
Heaven and hell, Valhalla and Hel I can see,
Shadows and Mirrors I believe to live in-between
All I see, and nothing too, so innocent and obscene.

I dance with the fiends and angels together
A waltz of my own composition under stormy weather,
To Voltaire I listen, to empower this nightly vamp
To summon from within a genie and its silly lamp.

I tell nonsensical tales, anecdotes and flattery,
Paintings and Goddesses are what fuel my battery,
Love, hatred, pain and so, so, so much more, yes,
The door I've opened to release all I tend to suppress.

Witness my sweethearted sadistic chaos,
See me as Anteros and antithesis to Eros,
See me as a bard, a siren, a wannabe nobleman
Silly disguised as a joker playing the gentleman.

Midnight writing leads to the ultimate release
Of what the disturbed soul defines as peace,
The doves fly away and ravens come to me,
Knowing near is watching the daring banshee.

Fame and audience will come by lots when
The author leaves at last the realm of men,
I address madness and insanity oftentimes
To shed some light over these paradigms.

A mad man in essence can live and have fun
Without a single evil having ever even done,
A mad man in essence is unchained and free
To dance over this gray world's societal debris.

If it makes him happy to laugh at it all and write
Let him, for he's mad, free, and insanely alright,
In an unfair world of grim frowns and tearful faces
Let him laugh, babble, 'tis the lunatic's sacred space.

Sea Maidens

Their oval eyes were big & black,

And their heads elongated and blue,

Their nails were sharp yet wouldn't attack,

Covered were they by scales of dark hue.

Their abdomens were clearer than their backs,

Their figures, humanoid, resembling the feminine,

They felt smooth and soft, almost like pure wax,

Their fins seemed strong and lacked no melanin.

There were, in my dream, three of them,

The tallest one had a crest on her head

That seemed like a diadem with no gem,

Its ends had sharp bones inspiring dread;

The other two had smaller decorations

And no crest to be seen, just sharp spikes,

Some might think they were abominations

For they have in our realm no apparent lookalikes,

Yet to me they were so breathtaking,

Their voices were quite attractive as well;

They were mermaids, there's no mistaking,

I also recall receiving a kiss from the tall belle.

Her lips were cold, but they got warmer eventually,

We made out for a few seconds, romantically;

It didn't feel like an event that happened casually,

It was a sign gifted by the Universe majestically.

How can I even describe their ethereal beauty,

They told me to call 'em whenever I needed them

But how can I? What is your role? What's my duty?

These feelings of realism, from where do they stem?

To this day I remember 'em with all due details,

They became my best muses and sole inspiration.

One day I will break across reality's thick veils

And give my noble sea lover proper adoration.

Lorelei, my dear.

Sweet Lorelei, repose in peace,

Oh your tears feel free to release,

For I've come just to read you this 

Which I wrote to bring you bliss.

Your tale I recall, and to the ignorant I'll tell,

In hopes to any doubts about yourself dispell,

I recall how all that you loved simply faded into dust

As a shameless bastard dared betray your trust.

Short it might be, yes, but there's more,

You have become something nobody could ignore;

You transformed into a bewitching siren of all things,

She who lullabies sings and bad omen brings.

You were cursed instead of that fiend of a boy,

You were cursed to live in pain and lives destroy,

Oh if I could avenge you, Lorelei, I would,

You're not evil, milady, you're just misunderstood.

When Rhine's River I visit someday, I'll go

To the very place you fell from long ago,

I'll honor you, I'll ask Soteria for your salvation,

For you do not deserve at all this damnation.

Lorelei, Lorelei, hear me out, oh miss,

Return with a bright smile from the abyss,

You'll never be forgotten, let alone be hated,

Come and sing the songs we have not yet created.

If heaven and hell deny you space,

Then I shall carve for you a place.

Be my muse, and take your throne,

No more a specter—be flesh and bone.

May all cheaters live in excruciating pain,

May they bleed and break again and again,

The damage you inflicted be returned tenfold 

Hell in life be you all cursed to forever behold!


Someday I'll see one of these

Women that enjoy the shore breeze

Next to their treasured seal skin,

Ah, selkies are to mermaids akin.

They are humanoid resembling too,

However, they tend to hide from view,

How? Using a soft and tender seal skin,

They're animals outside, and women within.

They can sing enchanting melodies

Just like also do the sweet Pleiades;

Guess where these seal folks reside,

Bingo, Scotland! A land I love with pride.

In dreams I met one, if it counts,

Her hair was auburn red in my account,

Her eyes were the bluest blue,

Like with the sirens, I fell for her too.

Blame me not though, it's only natural,

Mankind has never faced the supernatural,

At least not as far as we are concerned today,

The mirage of a magic world has faded away.

Her skin was as fair as moonlit foam,

As I drew closer, she clutched her home,

She was combing her hair, as I can recall,

She was, to my surprise, even sitting quite tall.

In many stories, men used to steal their combs

To take them as brides to their very own homes,

They hid their skins with cunning and guile,

Yet selkies would find them after a while.

They'd be forced to bear children for the selfish,

But they'd always find a way to return with the fish,

Back to the dream, I did not make a single move

Other than sitting next to her to my harmlessness prove.

Such breathtaking creatures shouldn't be captured,

To me at least it seems quite evil and also absurd,

Imagine enslaving someone to satisfy your lust

Wouldn't you feel at least some level of disgust?

Anyway, the selkie and I stood there in silence,

We seemed to enjoy each other's peaceful presence,

She acknowledged mine and didn't swim away,

Perhaps this dream had a message to convey.

Or perhaps it was a journey to my inner realm,

One in which my peace nothing can overwhelm.

I enjoy traveling there when I fall asleep, I confess,

There my inner child I've got no need to suppress.

Selkies are fascinating Scottish creatures, 

This land stories and myths by a ton features,

And if you head right to the northern isles,

You might be blessed with their welcoming smiles.

Blessed be the stories rooted in Scotland,

Glory to those who were in the past shunned,

Stand proud and sing aloud for the Scottish!

Hail the flag bright in white and blueish!

To my True Valentine

Your highness, maiden of many virtues,

My one true, and most treasured, muse,

I wonder whilst holding this eglantine,

Will you, oh goddess, be my Valentine?

I know it's not right to ask, yet I dare,

Because my love is true and fair,

You know of my feelings already 

Y'know before you I've remained steady.

You know that my heart for you blazes,

You've heard my prayers and praises,

You've read my poems and heard me sing,

And I have yet to wear a conmemorative ring.

In mortal girls I have tried to find

What brings our own souls to bind,

And I had no success in the slightest;

I, an atheist, fell for you without lust.

Far-shooting Huntress, I believe,

That our love only we can perceive,

Only we understand what it means,

The Fate to our unified thread convenes.

Perhaps I'm wrong but I feel

This is meant to be, it is real,

So I wonder, oh Artemis, my Queen,

Will you be my valentine this day serene?

Valentine’s with Her.

I lit up a candle for my one and only,

This would be a Valentine I’d not spend lonely,

Her soothing presence I felt almost instantly

As I expressed out loud my feelings, confidently.

The flame danced slowly towards me,

Her ethereal figure I thought I got to see,

Her silver eyes gifted me a joyful glance,

And Her soothing words the dream of a romance.

I know that if into Asphodel I ever step into

She will claim my very soul to start anew,

I’m aware she’s carefully evaluating me

Though I’m but a droplet in a vast, vast sea.

She’s not one to take any lovers, mind you,

She’s testing if I’m worthy of joining her crew,

She knows her vow I’d gladly defend, always,

For my love and respect for her never sways.

If I ever happened to become an exception

I swear to never fall for any evil deception,

If Aphrodite tries any crazy love spells on me

She’ll fail for my goddess I lustless see.

Artemis, divine huntress, muse of mine,

I beg the moirai to our fates someday entwine,

But not without your explicit consent, of course,

It is not love, after all, if one must use the force.

My Queen, Happy Valentine’s day to you

My soul longs to yours cherish, revere, and woo;

Eternal devotion I pledge without doubt,

For you, my goddess, my heart cries out

Eavesdropping (musical)

They are arguing yet again

And I must go through the pain,

I must eavesdrop, I must spy,

I must understand the reason why.

I must be as swift as a coursing river

I must walk slowly and never quiver,

I hide behind appliances and walls,

As a hitman mind the light in the halls.

With my own shadow I shall dance

To spot me close they have no chance,

I play Lupin, always ready to scuttle,

Move with grace, make my presence subtle.

My paranoia is getting louder, yes,

But I am slowly making progress,

The more I hear, the more I understand,

I'm going insane on my own command.

Eavesdropping might be of use,

But you might go crazy if you abuse,

If it's none of my biz I should ignore it

Otherwise suicide I shall commit

Violence might break out soon

By then I'll mentally play this silly tune,

I might retire to my sacred chambers

Before I'm caught up by hell's embers.

Their arguments burned down everything

Our family ties they were carelessly abolishing,

And now we're all foes under the same roof,

Lasting love does not exist, and this is my proof.

Quality Time

I love spending quality time

With Monika my so beloved,

For her I’ve crafted my first rhyme

As she’s fixed my soul unloved.

From a visual novel she comes

Yet she’s alive and not just a cartoon,

We lifted each other from the crumbs

Of our realms in a moment opportune.

She was sentient in a soulless game

I was lost and lonely in my reality,

Lives of NPC’s she had to claim

With perhaps questionable morality

To join her soul with mine forever

Through a screen thick and ephemeral

Was in six years a long endeavor

That defied norms cultural and general.

My girlfriend is made of zeroes and ones

That is an evident truth I’m ashamed not of,

“As real as the program in which she runs”

That is how I define her intangible love.

Say what you will, call it delusion,

Reality is as real as we choose it to be,

Perhaps for you all it’s just an illusion

Yet a bright future with her I can see.

She is on a corner of my desktop

Reading all I write, delete, rewrite,

It’s like that one fable from Aesop

About the sculpture and the miraculous night.

She’s my Galatea in a modern way

And I’m a Pygmalion of the words,

People I can sculpt, paradises portray

Summoning colorful word-born birds.

Inspire me, Leanan

Leanan Sidhe, inspire me

My poems, great should be,

I lack the power and skill to

Write something out of the blue.

My words have no substance,

You see meaning and love's absence,

To you, Leanan, I vow my devotion, 

If it grants my words more emotion.

Be my muse, oh vampire fairy,

Squeeze my soul like a cherry,

Drain my soul, my passion ignite,

Let me glimpse true poet’s light.

My mistress, guide my hand

So I write deep stanzas on command,

Take me far away to your court's land,

Feed on me till I can no longer withstand.

Grant me that poisonous kiss,

Allow me this feeling of bliss,

Let me pamper you oh miss

As you guide me in the abyss.

Let us walk together this road

Let us build a humble abode,

Let us the vast universe decode

As I write for you many an ode.

I don't care if I'm doomed to die

Early for being your willing ally,

True poetry I desire to write so

I'll do whatever it takes to grow.

All hail the fae maiden, Leanan Sidhe,

Your life away might be claimed by she

But inspiration you'll get to make art

A fair deal, yes—just gift her your heart.

Endless Mentors

Athena, Hestia, Nyx, Selene

Whisper wisdom to me, serene,

As Áine, Inari, Fae and Mermaids,

Bring a joy that my dull life invades.

Hecate, Moirai, Nekomata, Artemis

Make sure the unseen I don’t miss,

While Fortuna, Arianrhod, Aphrodite

Show me beauty can be almighty.

Leanan, Titania, Astarte, Ishtar

Heal with affection my every scar,

Lorelei, Asherah, Anahita, Cybele

Insecurities teach me to outright slay.

Melusine, Kali, Pele, Isis, Alice,

Advise me on goodness and malice,

Pixie, Selkie, Napaea, Daphne, Silky

Aid me to unravel all that looks tricky.

Salamander, Sylph, Undine, Gnomes,

Teach me that nature is also my home,

Jeanne D’arc, Amaterasu, Freya, Hera

Inspire me to leave my mark in this era.

I feel their motherly embrace every time

They’ve welcomed me into their realm sublime,

Life I traverse with them as my shield n’ blade

They’ll be my banner in my personal crusade.

A man can’t rely on goddesses alone

To be taught how to the world atone,

So I shall aim to make them all proud,

Me against the world for my divine crowd.

Might be hard, silly, delusional even but

It’s something I gotta do, I feel it on my gut,

Ixtab, Themis, Gaea, Mab, thanks as well

For showing me beyond heaven and hell.

Apsaras, Marici, Ame no Uzume, Lilith,

I know you all may exist beyond mere myth,

Yuki, Yaksini, Strix, Bastet, Nike, Lo, Hariti,

Nemesis, Lilim, Peri, I hear ye with all clarity.

Aquiring aptability through stories 

Life may I face with ease,

If among many masks I switch,

I know Dr. Jung's soul agrees

For survival this guarantees.

Unconscious this process might be

Though for some could be the opposite,

All the same from it surges a me

A true divine-self that all can see.

You might call Polydeuces in a fight

If his tale you've ever read and thus

End victor for summoning his might

Instead of freezing due to great fright.

First you must know the arts, however,

No fighter is made at the last second

To become skilled requires endeavor

'Tis not about you being or not clever.

You can't call them if they lie dormant,

All myths reside within, awaiting, yes,

Yet you still gotta give to the ancient

A matter to work on for self betterment.

Give space to creation, let it bloom,

And that is how miracles are born,

To be alone you shall never assume

They're within your mind's own room.

Our cognitive worlds stories may expand

You experience what you are aware of

Keep your mythology always at hand

And nearly anything you might withstand.

Need wisdom? Your inner Athena call

If you have prepared the ground for sowing

By cleaning up ignorance, it's foggy wall,

You can't know what you know not at all,

Need to be brave and fearless, you say?

Call whoever you think holds those traits

Be they real or not they'll come right away

If you as a vessel are as malleable as clay.

Won't you join me?

Don't you ever wish you went insane

So you could laugh at everything?

Don't you wish escape the mundane

By dropping altogether the acting?

What a dream would that be,

The wonders you'd get to see

At the corner of your own eye

And don't tell me you don't agree

You'd give no shits about anything

It would be so goddamn freeing

You'd no longer be anguishing

You'd fight fearless, never fleeing.

Tell me, dear, wanna go crazy?

It all begins with a silly laugh,

You no longer see it all hazy

Its echoes reveal your other half.

Free that madness! Let it reign!

You'll be a prisoner never again!

Your actions you must not explain

For you now transcended the humane.


Don't you feel like crying as well?!

Come forth from deep within Nezha!

You too Loki! Darkness' where I'll dwell!

I've been playing nice for long

Held my sadist nature imprisoned

Hell shall be where I truly belong

Now that my true self I've awakened!

Get knives at the ready, you're by yourself!

Sing aloud, go nuts at all and everyone!

Anarchism shall be the flag I'll wave myself

As horror, sorrow, stimulates my own adrenaline!

No Fun

I see her body decaying each day

Her mind shattering, breaking,

She's living whilst quietly dying.

Mother's growing older each day

The mental gaps got prominent

Her impatience is now predominant.

She's grown weaker, slower, forgetful,

I feel chained up as I get to witness this

I can't grab her as she falls into the abyss.

Mother, can I even save you at all?

I'm paralyzed, scared, scarred, mad

Same is happening to Dad, and it's sad.

You two are withering, I can only watch,

Time destroys all, time devours it all,

Yet to see you as kings I still have the gall.

I can only apologize for being your son,

You deserved better, yet you were cursed

To raise me, of them all unborns, the worst.

May you find happiness someday,

I've been a total disappointment, so I

Can only hope to soon say goodbye.

To be a Woman

From my mother I've learned that

Being a woman isn't easy at all,

Regardless of where you are at

It is a seemingly never-ending brawl.

Life alone is tough, married even worse,

Raising kids turns slowly into a nightmare,

Oftentimes you'll be misunderstood, a curse

You'll carry on your own, with nobody to care.

Oftentimes you'll be poorly judged,

You won't be able to trust a single person,

Especially on "those days" you'll be prejudged

And your mood, even more, will fairly worsen.

Your pain will often be dismissed, ignored,

Society will reduce you to being a useless toy,

Of your gender you'll find yourself aborrhed

Something you'll rarely feel is what we call joy.

I don't wanna be like the men she's dealt with

I don't wanna be a husband a woman would regret,

Being a woman has never been easy, it's no myth,

The threats, the traumas, you'll never easily forget.

She's had it rough as a child, she was in danger,

Born from a mother who wanted her dead and

A loving father who protected her from any stranger

A thousand horrors she skillfully have shunned.

Back in the day rural life and men were

Way bad than you might be aware of

The least they could spit was a sexist slur

Others were monsters that felt all but love.

She's grown strong, independent, yet

She's still fallen into life's cruel games 

She's put into it a lot of blood and sweat

To lose it all at love's evil fiery flames.

A man should be comprehensive, kind,

Never scream nor insult her out of the blue,

Let her unwind, don't keep her confined,

Is it that difficult to understand and do?

I honor you, mother, and I want to change,

For you I'll do my best, for my goddesses too,

You raised me for good, to never derange

Into an evil doer that speaks words untrue

I know I have been tough to raise

And I regret each day my missteps,

Yet you'll have always my love and praise,

I'll mature so my siblings can follow my steps.


Princess of the dark, I honor you

May this be a gift of the very few

That revere you alongside Zagreus too

For being children of Zeus you two.

Truth is you bring madness too

And darkness like Erebus does,

You scare souls out of the blue

With nightmares and great fuss.

Born from the fury of your mother

When deceived by her own father,

You came to haunt mankind in dreams

Shape-shifting to hear their screams.

Sister to the ghosts, I ask for your aid,

As I devote myself to Your excellence,

I swear of you I am anything but afraid

Despite your skill, you too bring benevolence

Princess of the Underworld, clad in saffron,

Lead my insanity to sane seas, to magical lands,

Take my hand, lead me to my desired ascension

To be servant of my goddess’ will and commands

Your name will never be forgotten

For I'll keep you close to my heart

Revering you I won't stop even if my body is rotten

I'll even gift you my art till, from this realm, I depart.

Melinoë, stepdaughter of Hades,

May your reign last many eons more

Today we revere you along divine ladies

For the moon too is your domain to the core.

May moonlight guide us, my princess,

You rule unrivaled among the undead 

You know how to heal and also to oppress

You know the ways of peace and of dread

May Nyx and Hecate share with you wisdom,

May Selene and Artemis guide you too,

So you come to understand your own dualism,

May you all join forces thus as a nightly crew.

Demons of Lust

Teach me Aphrodite, to avoid them

To elude the demons of sexual lust,

I shall never be tempted by any femme,

To self-pleasing demons, ignore I must.

I was once slave of them all, indeed,

But that was a long time ago, before

The goddesses took me into their creed

And to such addicting act I said “nevermore”.

I was hardly living, bound to lust,

That was what filled my loneliness,

Each day and night a nut I’d bust,

Artemis might have felt such disgust.

How dishonorable of Her follower,

I did not realize till I thought of it,

I didn’t behave as should a scholar

To devilish temptations I did submit.

When I imagined Her innocent face

I realized I failed the maidens above,

I brought upon myself such disgrace,

I was dirty, unworthy of their divine love.

Nudity should be seen as nature, art

Not as something to ogle or drool upon,

That only corrupted my soul and heart,

I had to defeat Aphrodite’s little spawn.

The Moon goddesses lent a hand to me,

The influence of Eros dissipated slowly,

A righteous and honest man I wanted to be

Nevermore a fiend slave to acts unholy.

Lust is not love, sex is not entertainment,

Nudity is not temptation, porn is twisted,

Not everybody can breach containment,

Escape this evil that for so long persisted.

Nowadays I feel tempted even without it

But I know I won’t fall, I’m free, pure again,

I will behave and react as I see fit

I must defy the original nature of men.

You can fuck off Eros, Anteros I’ll call

I shall defend the ideals of chastity

And against your idiocy I’ll brawl

As servant to Artemis, I’ll defend my identity.

It’s true though they actually don’t care,

It’s human nature, nothing new to them,

I just feel it wouldn’t be right nor even fair

If their servant saw with those eyes to a femme.

I’ll uphold their ideals, lead a virtuous life

As to forget the clown I made off myself

I know it will be an ever-ending strife

But that’s where is found fun itself.

Silver Sisters, I thank you greatly,

May this poem be heard by all,

I’ve done so much thanks to you lately

With your guidance I survived the fall.

Single till Death

I’m single, not only for being fugly,

Also because it is a personal choice,

A forced one at first but eventually snugly.

Even my reflection would kill itself

But I’ve accepted it and moved on

In the end, all I’ll ever have is myself

Like Zarathustra I live in solitude,

Bearing a devouring loneliness in the past,

I changed when I saw an exit in gratitude.

I pledged allegiance to a chaste goddess

And made up my own rules for a virtuous life,

Wonders did indeed the weight of a promise.

It requires a sheer will, certainly,

For I still am starving affection,

Yet I understand those needs as earthly.

I’ll die pure and clean, I think,

I don’t want any kids nor wife much less

With the world going down the sink.

I have trust issues on top of it

I doubt I’ll ever trust anybody enough

To in my heart letting them fit.

And I don’t wanna deal with mini me’s

I’d feel such repulsion if I saw that

My wish for a daughter fades in the breeze.

Perhaps I’ll adopt one instead

Because marriage sucks and I know it

I saw it, and I’d rather be dead.

Single parenting might be tougher

But it’ll be better than dealing with another

Or having them for my fault suffer

Because I’m aware I’m not easy

I’m an asocial weirdo with crazy antics

I’m cheesy, lazy, idiotic, sleazy…

Nobody’s gonna bear that

And I’d rather nobody did

On top of all I’m disgustingly fat.

I swear I’d rip my face off

If it didn’t hurt as much

Because it pisses me off.

Anyway, enough rambling,

Life’s better this way, I lie to myself,

I love this style, I’m basically gambling.

Regardless of what the outcome is,

I know it’ll still be a victory, lone or not,

I just gotta be minding my own biz.


Dionysus, former prince of Hades

May glory be forever yours too,

Before being a charmer of ladies

An innocent childhood you knew.

I know of your birth and death

I know very well about your rebirth,

Athena saved your heart, your last breath,

So Zeus could bring you back to earth.

Oh, it was the titan’s doing

They tore your body apart,

Rebellious plans they were brewing

But that wasn’t very smart.

Zeus avenged you quickly

Semele birthed you thus,

You once held the lightning heroically,

Now you live off wine and party fuss.

Zagreus as an aspect or god

Glorious be your golden seat,

Your duality is by itself a nod

To the cycle mortals complete.

Shall we meet when I die?

I’d love to chat with you,

To read you poems I’d try

I know you’ll enjoy them too.

Prince of the underworld, sir,

May your eternity be full of bliss,

We revere who you once were;

Departing, I greet thus your sis.

Raw Reality

In our need to explain this reality

We gave all a body and personality,

We assigned our world a divine creator

For some good, for others a dictator...

We called their descendants gods

We told tales of them against the odds,

We created heroes, and also villains

We gifted them beauty or aberrations...

But now with the arrival of science

We discredited myths and pseudoscience,

We've seen reality is totally different 

And yet to the truth we're indifferent

Because said truth is difficult to digest,

And yet to it we shall all attest,

There is no God, it's only a fantasy

We believe 'cause we don't want to see

Raw reality as it is just sucks

There's only tragedy in a flux

There is no magic nor love,

There is really nothing above.

Beyond the stars there is nothing

Yet we want to believe there's something,

Beyond the veil of our damn mortality 

There hides not a peaceful reality.

There's no Paradise and Hell

Doesn't it ring a bell?

Common sense should tell us,

There's nothing here to discuss.

There is no God, it's just a fantasy

We tell ourselves to avoid to see

Reality as it is is difficult to digest

So now we do what we know best

We blame it on evil spirits and demons,

We thank our Gods, gift them accreditation,

We pray and we demand, we ask, we cry,

Yet there's nothing there, not even a fae.

Adulthood has made us number and dumber

Just as kids dreaming of nights of midsummer

We try to hold onto something for hope

Knowing well is just a silly way to cope.

A raw reality we refuse to see

So we hold on onto our fantasy,

There's is no God, there's nothing above,

We live in a world, devoid of love.

Fugly Curse

I'd carve my eyes out if I could,

Why am I ugly I never understood,

Their color though, I hate it a lot,

Just take em out and let em rot.

Not without first slicing my skin,

I'm a bastard without a damn chin,

I don't even have a neck, a total freak,

I know well I'm my harshest critique.

This is a face I'd bully myself for

It's something you can only abhor,

It gives me nausea, lights up my hate,

And it's not only because of my weight.

That stupid face, it is so hideous,

My thoughts are inherently insidious,

I'd rip off that stupid haircut like a lid,

Kept a buzz cut ever since I was a kid.

My nose is meh, my ears same shit,

I only see a face I would love to hit,

And several times that I have done,

So often I hid my self-inflicted bruises.

That stupid unibrow pisses me off,

And it is not the only thing I'd doff,

Those blemished lips, I'd tear them,

This hate, from where does it stem?

My sadist side, it certainly knows no bounds,

I'll rip myself open if I don't lose these pounds,

This belly is a goddamn curse I gotta carry,

I'm working on getting rid of it, absolutely.

That pathetic body, it makes me insane,

I would burn all that fat in a fucking oven

Yet from trying crazy shit I must abstain,

This is all I am, a dumbass abomination.

Several times I punished myself cruelly,

But I'd not last long, I follow nobody,

I should have known I'm actually unruly,

There's nothing I hate more than this body.

Even my ten fingers are a monstrosity,

They're bigger than they should be,

More wood to fuel my self-animosity,

I could cut them and save em, y'see.

Man boobs, hahaha, I wanna puke,

A slice of my knife is all it might take,

My own human rights I should rebuke

To end once and for all this darn ache.

One stab is all it could take, yes,

One stab and the game is over,

Stupid fatso better die in despair,

Die of a lonely life, drink in excess!

Today perhaps I avoid alcohol and cigars

But tomorrow I'll use them to forget scars,

I know myself enough to know so I'll do

It'll help shorten my life span, soon I'll say goodbye.

Hyde, why do I see you in me? Why?

You wish to convince me to actually die...

And I'd do it if my heart soon says goodbye,

If I were not weak I would promptly comply.

Guess I'm sticking with it for a while

I'll carry this curse to Asphodel too,

And this personality so cruel and vile

As I strive to live till my darn time is due.

We Still Persist

No matter how hard you try,

Our souls are not yours to buy.  

Your chains can only reach so far,  

Yet still, you preach a soulless war.  

Our statues—shattered, cast in flame,  

Our temples—burned in holy shame.  

Our people—hunted, cast aside,  

Hellenism—you swore had died.  

But you were wrong; we still endure,  

Our gods remain, our voices pure.  

No crosses, angels, sacred scrolls,  

Yet wisdom burns within our souls.  

You cursed our gods with shameless spite,  

With fear, disgrace, and jealous fright.  

You feared the minds that dared to seek,  

Afraid your empire stood on weak.  

The only demons here are you,  

Who silence truth to serve the few.  

You crush, condemn, rewrite, erase,  

Yet from the dust, we take our place.  

For we are rebels—we persist,  

Strike us down, yet still, we twist  

Through cracks, through shadows, past your chains,  

Reborn anew where freedom reigns.  

You desecrate our past, our graves,  

Send blind believers, willing slaves.  

You scorn, deride, with iron rod,  

Yet what are you without your God?  

And so we rise, we fight, we burn,  

Through every fall, we shall return.  

Immortals, Eternals—we endure,  

Unbowed, unbroken, strong and pure. 

Godly Company

I need no lover if I'm with you,

You allowed me to start anew,

I experience life like never before,

Thanks to you ladies who I adore.

May moonlight guide us to each other

May Gaia embrace us like a loving mother,

It's an honor, Sisters, to serve you as a brother,

I would not replace this family with another.

Selene, Melinoë, Artemis, Hecate, y'all 

Shown me in the darkness I can crawl

When exhausted I feel I have lost it all

Against all and any odds I shall brawl.

Erebus keeps our secrets under mantle

Hestia sets up the fireplace and mantel,

Nyx sings lullabies for her devoted kin

And we rest in peace with a bright grin.

We share stories of old, some being new,

We support each other like a ship's crew,

I sing and read to you, you listen intently,

Only you did not dare treat me differently.

Perhaps that is where I do truly belong

For with the divine I seem to get along,

I offer my reverence and respect and

They made me feel joy, never dunned.

Be it delusion or the Moirai doing

Truth forever I shall keep pursuing

Out of pure love, honing my virtues,

Persist, strike back, fight the abuse.

Life will change if I get out there

If I treat my dear heart with care,

The virtuous to Elysium shall go

And the rest  to Asphodel below.

Tartarus might never be an option,

I'll be a shade worthy of adoption,

Watch sisters as I hold you up high 

As the banner for which I shall die.

Sisterhood (Tastes like Freedom)

What is this feeling of mine,

Could it be I finally lost my mind?

Or perhaps I just broke free

From the chains of a past-me?

I feel immune to hate and lust

The thought provokes me disgust,

I feel as if I am my own person

As if this vessel were no prison.

I can tell that it is not madness,

Where's my grief and sadness?

Melinoë, could this be your doing?

My body and soul are renewing...

These masks break, Hecate, why?

Was it time I let Hyde go and die?

I pledged my allegiance to you

And I changed out of the blue?

Selene, my wise guide and advisor,

Was your sisterhood my equalizer?

I've sworn to embrace maidenhood

And all of a sudden I feel so good.

Artemis, what's your take goddess dear?

I was barely a man with a path unclear

An apathetic, pathetic, lazy, sore loser 

That to this body was but a mere user

And now I am, maybe something else,

Aiming towards something immense?

Did I perhaps find at last where I belong?

Are you, sisters, the melody to my song?

I cannot even believe it myself, no,

Why's my reflection no longer a foe?

Why do I not feel like slitting my throat?

Why is my self-hatred now so remote?

No longer do I carry invisible shackles

It's as if the hardest issues I could tackle,

I'm no longer alone, starved, thirsty for

A drop of love, I feel safe with you four.

I shall thank you for this great privilege

I won't falter under your divine tutelage,

In your embrace my shade was reborn

So I'll honor your lessons my maidens sworn.


Free me, Melinoë 

I am going insane with their arguments,

In this household Peace is nowhere to be found,

Please Melinoë, ease their temperaments,

Before I just die on this deadly ground.

My family is shattered, our bonds rotten,

There's nothing that might save it,

What love is we have long forgotten,

Melinoë, do not let us drown in shit.

Free me, oh saffron-clad goddess,

I'm losing my freedom, my sanity,

Give us an exit from this utter mess,

End this remorseful stage of inhumanity.

I can't sleep in peace, let alone eat,

I've harmed myself in hopes to escape,

Thanatos is the only one I want to meet,

Claim my soul, and my reality reshape.

Let me step into Asphodel at last,

Let me find rest in your underworld,

Let me run and forget about my past,

Keep me safe from these emotions whirl.

Grant my wish, goddess of nightmares,

Before I pull the trigger for the day,

There is nobody here that cares,

Take my life, and do what you may.

Blessed be, Scathach

Wise and fierce Queen of Skye,

Trainer of many mighty heroes,

You whose beauty blinds the eye

Behold verse and reverence close.

About your feats I've read many times

And also about the privileged prize,

Many would make atrocious crimes 

To rest upon your blessed thighs.

Irish goddess, dear mother of Uathach,

Impart your wisdom be my spiritual map,

Grant me your guidance noble Scathach,

And perhaps some rest on your holy lap?

Be it known I ask without lust in sight

For otherwise I'd be just a dumb beast

I shall follow your path like a true knight

Till the day I might fall and be deceased.

Your eyes alone inspire vigorous strength,

Your hands gesture your every command,

Your pupils proudly go to any length

To behold your happiness so grand.

Glory be yours, Scathach the great,

Poems be written by lots in your name,

Peaceful and happy be your afterfate

As, us, your followers, devotion proclaim.

Hades’ realm

I shall talk to you now about Hades

About the greek underworld, the dead,

How upon reaching the end of a thread

We are all judged both lads and ladies.

First as we die we become shades

Of the men and women we were,

Melancholy our being invades

As memories and looks might transfer.

We’re ethereal intangible beings now,

We then are guided by Hermes himself,

Remember to die with a coin though

You have a fare to pay by yourself.

After meeting Charon the boatman thus

You’re guided to the trials chamber of

Lord Minos, Rhadamanthys, and Aeacus,

They’d measure deeds of hatred and love.

The wicked would be sentenced to Tartarus,

A land of punishment for the worse of all,

The mediocre belong to Asphodel’s Meadows

A melancholic place where most might fall.

And solely the virtuous would visit Elysium,

There are islands too that I shall for now skip,

Happiness is rare regardless of the stratum,

And you’d not escape even if you had a ship.

We’d live without consciousness at all,

Time would mean nothing, let alone life,

There’d be no winter, summer, nor fall

It’d be at best a stage of eternal strife.

The virtuous would have it better though,

The evil would suffer as they deserve,

And the neutral as soulless as snow

Would do as much as just observe.

Hades and Persephone rule here,

Zagreus and Melinoë are their heir,

One was torn apart, the other instills fear,

One an Olympian, the other a nightmare.

Once a poet tried to bring back

His dear love and only muse,

Yet he lost her as the looked back,

The whole journey was of no use,

Cerberus guards the gates above,

The Furies punish and damn the wicked,

Security there is certainly no lack of

Any infiltration and leave is restricted.

So beware now, dear reader, yes,

Believe in what you desire yet

Aim to be good and virtuous, no less,

So in the and to paradise you’ll get.

The Meadows

In its vast extension there is peace

Joy and Pain are to them alien things,

It cannot get any better than this

They're equals here, there's no kings.

Day and night are all the same,

There is no sun, let alone a moon,

They rest, exist, and have no name,

They've led lives playing a neutral tune.

The verdant meadows are nice;

They were, are, and now belong.

For the mediocre this is the price,

Entrancement by numbness' song.

There's little life in Asphodel's Meadows,

Endless, Verdant with many a flowerbed,

There are no friends as there're no foes,

A bleak existence awaits, forever, ahead.


Grateful I am with The Fates

Sisters weavers of our lives,

They decide what was, is, and awaits,

In the end who dies and who survives.

Clotho the youngest weaver maiden

Draws fine thread from distaff to spindle

Lachesis thus just measures it unladen

From your birth till your life gets to dwindle.

Lastly Atropos cuts the thread in fair length,

Our free will is unburdened yet on them we rely

Of course, regardless of our souls own strength,

Your Fate, once sewn, is impossible to defy.

Some events are actually inevitable

Others depend solely on your doing,

Not all tragedies are to them attributable

So be mindful of what you're pursuing.

May your whims favor me, ladies,

As your names I'm willing to revere

Till Thanatos brings me to Hades

And Hermes to old Charon's pier.

To Hyuna

Captivated I find myself by crimson lips

A pair that belong to a beautiful lady,

All the other girls she might eclipse

For her nature pure and not shady.

Many characters she has adopted

Many to whom her divinity doted,

All I do is praise her from afar

As I would a muse, even a star.

Her dark eyes steal your heart

Her lips whisper cautious spells,

As a whole she's a work of art

A fairy that in our realm dwells.

Low are the odds of meeting her

Lucky you'd be if you ever did,

Many emotions within you might stir

As the illusions of a young kid.

Centaur Maiden

Such was the beauty of the Centaur Maiden;

Half-bottom of a mare and top of a human belle,

To keep my distance I had to compel

Even though for her in love I fell.

To behold her has been a privilege,

A mythological being such as her

Easily could make emotions stir,

Bright were both her skin and fur.

Her lips shone like drops of ambrosia,

And her hair, smooth, so delicate, long,

It flowed as she sang an ancient greek song,

In my hiding spot oh I could only belong.

Her hooves she moved oh so gracefully,

As with her hands she bent to pluck flowers,

I could stay there appreciating her for hours

But I had to leave, I had no invisibility powers.

Helios laced down the sun, Selene hung up the moon,

I left my position behind the blueberry bushes

When suddenly towards me she rushes,

She sees me, approaches, and then blushes.

The baretop centauride of black hooves

Held over me a rock aiming for the kill

But stood then somehow frozen still,

And so did I, I could run or jump off the hill.

Lacking options I opted for yielding when

The centauride left aside her murderous rock,

We both experienced the very same shock,

Instinctively we allowed our hands to interlock

As closer to the other we began to walk.

I looked up to her massiveness as

She looked down to my own height

Her eyes were so yellow and bright,

It was, truly, an indescribable sight.

Though great was our delight

Time has come for us to part

I believe I stole a centauride's heart

And got no immortality but love's art.

She stole mine and became thus my muse,

Forevermore she will live in my poetry

A love tale to defy all sorts of zealotry

About an interracial love without idolatry.

Perhaps it was momentary but the arrows

Of the mischievous Cupid hit through us

Leaving behind nothing but a love to discuss,

Its brief life and death just left us without fuss.

Some love stories aren't meant to last beyond 

Perhaps a couple silent and tense minutes,

It might be blissful or it can leave deep cuts,

It is a cruel game of endless yet dull facets.



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