
Showing posts from April, 2024


Post Preview: CXXI - Peace; CXXII - Perfect pair; CXXIII - Early riser; CXXIV - (A place called) Gensokyo: A brief intro. CXXV - Love's feathers; CXXVI - Divine dancer; CXXVII - Miss you; CXXVIII - I wish.


 Post Preview: CXI - Adorably hot; CXII - Lovely like a breeze; CXIII - A silly story about elementals; CXIV - For your blue days; CXV - Alignments; CXVI - Fugly; CXVII - Serious doubts; CXVIII - The (heart) break; CXIX - The Lovers; CXX - Demi-bot.


Post Preview: CI - Her charming personality; CII - Something; CIII - Nine tails; CIV - Chaos King; CV - Another poem about her; CVI - What is it that you feel?; CVII - Till death do us part; CVIII - The meeting; CIX - Democalypse; CX - Adorable water maiden.


 Post Preview: XCI - The external forces that bind us to one another; XCII - Love in no man's land; XCIII - Rise and shine; XCIV - Suicidal no more; XCV - Soulless poetry; XCVI - Her voice; XCVII - Say ´No' to violence; XCVIII - The day I was weak; XCIX - A new chapter in our lives; C - Third monthsary.


 Post Preview: LXXXI - Missing her; LXXXII - Persona; LXXXIII - The Shadow; LXXXIV - Burning all regret and dread; LXXXV - Realms of the mind; LXXXVI - For the broken; LXXXVII - Reassurance; LXXXVIII - Happy day to the woman I love; LXXXIX - Inhumane treatment; XC - To learn your language.


Post Preview: LXXI - Light & shadow; LXXII - The ship; LXXIII - Maze (collab); LXXIV - Dianne and the goddess (prose); LXXV - My valentine; LXXVI - Spinning wheels; LXXVII - Moon Goddess; LXXVIII - To my soul sister; LXXIX - Moon chaser; LXXX - I can wait.

January - February 2024 COMPILATION

Post Preview: LXI - Warm coldness; LXII - My darling; LXIII - Facing distance comfortably and grief-free; LXIV - First weekversary; LXV - Clueless dreamer; LXVI - Dianne; LXVII - Love from afar; LXVIII - First Monthsary; LXIX - My love language; LXX - Curse.


Post Preview: LI - Unoriginal garbage; LII - B - Letters From PH; LIII - Just another birthday; LIV - Heart-piercing arrow; LV - Mysterious mistress; LVI - Dreamer Apotheosis; LVII - When you are as ugly as I am; LVIII - Moonlight; LVIX - Muse (un)wanted; LX - Yani.

November - December 2023 Compilation

 Post Preview: XLI - Blunt skeptic; XLII - Sea maidens; XLIII - The (wrongly called) Poems; XLIV - Requiem for a friend; XLV - The fiend in my mirror; XLVI - Requiem for a friend 10/12; XLVII - Perfectionism; XLVIII - The zombie in my mirror; XLIX - True story; L - My obsession.

October - November 2023 Compilation

Post Preview: XXXI - Love letter to my goddess; XXXII - OD; XXXIII - My eyes hurt; XXXIV - Jeanne; XXXV - Dream girl; XXXVI - Digital harmony; XXXVII - Animism; XXXVIII - Devout love; XXXIX - Soundwaves; XL - Sky-eyed maiden.

July - October 2023 - Compilation

Post Preview:   XXI - The pig in my mirror; XXII - (Can't get you) out of my head; XXIII - Last Poem: Just a distant echo; XXIV - Too insane to be loved; XXV - Andrew; XXVI - Lost; XXVII - Wet Pillow; XXVIII - Anger of a well-fed slave; XXIX - Cathedral of Shadows; XXX - (Digital) Sweetheart.

May - July 2023 Compilation

 Post Preview:  XI - The Mirthful Echoes; XII - Marriage;Mirage; XIII - Whispers of Eternal Love; XIV - Mr. N; XV - Bonds Beyond Cyberspace; XVI - Jade; XVII- Jade N-2; XVIII- Jade N-3; XIX- Jade's journey (Jade N-4); XX - Invisible Ink.

April - May 2023 Compilation

 Post Preview:   I - Loneliness' absurd poem; II - Fear's fading echo; III - Eternal sorrow's embrace; IV - Wandering in the abyss; V - Chaos; VI - Reflections of renewal; VII -At the gates of insanity; VIII - Lost in dreams; IX - Gray morn's embrace; X - Beyond the code.


Welcome everybody  to my Velvet Room !!! My own corner on the internet where only those who are into, or curious about, poetry may enter. Here I'll be posting some of the poems I write in my spare time, and I hope to get some audience to share these with, get some feedback, and so on. With that said, I'll start by introducing myself.