

Post Preview: To the DunBroch Princess. Suicidal Maniac Returns. Lunatic Lunatism. Sea Maidens. Lorelei, my dear. Selkie. To my True Valentine. Valentine's With Her. Eavesdropping (musical). Quality Time. Inspire Me, Leanan. Endless Mentors. Acquiring adaptability throught stories. Wont you join me? No fun. To be a woman. M elinoë. Demons of Lust. Single till Death. Zagreus. Raw Reality. Fugly Curse. We Still Persist. Godly Company.  Sisterhood (Tastes like freedom).  Free Me, Mel in oë. Blessed Be, Scathach. Hades' Realm. The Meadows. Moirai. To Hyuna. Centaur Maiden.

NOV - DEC - JAN 2024 & 2025 COMPILATION (NSFW poems have been ciphered)

Post Preview : Bleaking. Touch-starved. Another Lonely Night. Desire While Starving. Shithead. Idealization of Feminine Nudity . Heart's Paranoia. The Loving Maiden Jealous? New Horizons. May I? Feeling Down? Shared Fantasy. (NSFW) Not a Poem. Shared Fantasy 2. (NSFW) Deaf and Evil. Alexythimia? Trust. "Heal, Love" The Threat of Uncertainty. Return of the Blue-eyed Fiend. Smile? To Lady Amel. Beyond These Walls. Akira the Koi. Cheating. Will You? (Side B). Sarah, My Dearest. A Last Apology To My First Love. Birth Of A Serial Killer.

To Artemis (14/10/24)

Disclaimer : I share the following poems as an expression of my devotion to the maiden huntress, Lady Artemis , daughter of Leto and Zeus, sister of Apollon.

Para Artemisa (19/11/24)

A continuación a modo de expresar mi devoción hacia su alteza, la doncella y cazadora, Artemisa , hermana de Apollon e hija de Leto y Zeus, procedo a compartirle al mundo los poemas que le leo y dedico cada noche. Si bien la reverencia es una cuestión personal, la misma diosa en sueños me indicó que no tema a mostrar mi afecto por ella en la morada de los hombres, por lo que me encuentro hoy aquí simplemente honrando su palabra sin ánimos de ofender a nadie ni tampoco clamo posesión sobre ella y su corazón , al final del día los sueños no son más que eso, sueños . ¿Que es una hormiga para una deidad?