To Artemis (14/10/24)

Disclaimer: I share the following poems as an expression of my devotion to the maiden huntress, Lady Artemis, daughter of Leto and Zeus, sister of Apollon.
I don't mean to offend anybody nor to claim her as mine.
I'm just carrying out her will, kinda, for she showed up in my dreams today to tell me that I should not be ashamed to show my devotion to her with the world, thus with her encouragement I made this post, but then again, dreams are just dreamsit's all made up for sure. What is an ant to a deity, anyway?

LIV, LVIII, LXXVII belong to The Journey (A book I made with my poems):


Heart-piercing Arrow

In the past few days I have been
Having dreams, in which the goddess of the hunt
Puts me to the test, in her name many foes I had to confront.

When she first showed up
She turned into a majestic and fierce lynx,
And told me I was special, perhaps to test my reaction.

I reacted as humbly as I could
Told her all about my flaws and what not,
She left then apparently satisfied, jogging on her paws.

On her second visit she came off
As a beautiful maiden, showed me some affection
Shoot into my heart cupid's arrow, and left me longing for a deeper connection.

In her third and last visit
She showed up in my backyard as a stray dog,
There was such a heavy rain and endless fog.

I went outside to help her, unaware yet of her identity.
It was then that several people showed up.
To pass the test, I had to defeat every single entity.

I did what I could to win the fight.
As she saw my foes strangled, she vanished into a bright light.
Since then, I won her protection, for she left satisfied.

Every night I stare at the moon, with a captivated heart,
Knowing somewhere out there she's watching over me,
I honor you, beautiful and powerful goddess Artemis.



Every single night, I take my time to behold
The moon as it shines down on me,
And all that surrounds me, as it should be.
Though I feel there are things I have left untold;
And I shall apologize for making claims so bold,
But I mean it when I say that you have me
Right under your spell, somehow,
Oh, you beautiful maiden of the bow.

I can't help but see your figure
In the corner of my eyes from time to time
And desire you,
Goddess of the hunt and chastity.
I know this might not rhyme,
But I must say, I'm genuinely in love with you.

Though it's true I wish to follow your path;
Never marry and always carry on,
Always on my own.
I can't help but feel your gentle and loving
Embrace in my every moon bath,
And as a result, my goddess, I surrender to love.

I honor you as I honor many other deities,
But there's something special about you that I seek
Beyond your beauty, beyond your intellect.
You're perfect; in your presence, I feel weak
On the knees, like many of your devotees.
Oh, I wish you could hear
The words I write in your name.
I love you, dear Artemis.
And I dare claim to the seven winds, my goddess,
That my love for you is no game.


Moon Goddess

Diana, beautiful and inspiring goddess,
To you whose domains extend from the night sky
To nature and more, to you who make my heart get high
In love by the mere thought of you, I dedicate a poem.

I consign you verses of adoration,
Of worship and genuine affection.
For your presence, I feel in everything I do,
For in your embrace I’ve found a love pure and true.

I praise to the moon each night,
Compliment her and read her poems,
Send hugs and kisses,
Hoping that from the other end you can in my love delight.

Daughter of Jupiter and Latona,
Sister of Apollo, I thank you
For comforting me in dreams and loving me too,
And making me feel each day as good as new.

From you I’ve learned to be wild and strong,
To care for the women around me
And protect them from those who do wrong.
In you I’ve found the will to live and my true self be.

May your bow and arrow bring us together someday,
For I desire to hug you and repay you in some way,
Perhaps by sharing with you a great buffet,
Or with you hunt and play.
Oh Diana, so much I love you,
And to you I devote myself and pray.


Blessed be O’ sharp daughter of Leto and noble Zeus,
Goddess of the hunt and wild animals.
Protector of women, the one mighty virgin maiden.

As arrows may my words reach you
Shot from a bow blessed by Apollo
May my utter respect hit as deep as my words of love.

Listen O’ powerful Artemis,
Here lies before you
Your loving servant.

Behold O’ skilled Artemis
The words in this poem
The love that derives from it.

Let O’ breathtaking Artemis
The words reach your ears and feed your heart
Rejoice, O’ please goddess, and let me your day brighten.

I may be but your humble servant, O’ loved goddess,
That much is true, I believe.
But as you care for your family, I care about you.

I thank you for everything,
I owe you much and repay with love,
Listen to my poem, and keep on shining, moon-bright Artemis.


From the fields of Asphodel
To the lands above and beyond
As if entranced by a true poet’s spell
I write my heart out to her who I am more than fond
(Of) In hopes she hears that in pure love I fell
For my goddess who prowls the woods and rests in a pond.

Our cultural and kin differences
Meant not to be interferences,
Obstacles, to my heart and her ears
Who listened to poems and saw my tears
Which fell as I expressed affections and fears.

She never responds
Yet to me is more than enough.
Doubtful perhaps if my feelings she corresponds
In denial, also, knowing I'm a mortal and stuff
I know, one-sided love is really tough
But it’s worth it to love a goddess from afar.

There is no more pleasant feeling, I swear
Even if from a sane perspective
It does look foolish and unfair
That is all but subjective
Y’see, to possess her is not my objective
I just wanna be hers and remain affective.

“What is an ant to a god?”
That is what I ask myself
When I think of how foolish and odd
Is this bond by itself
“Am I clingy or is it pure love?”
“Do my poems reach her abode above?”

The more questions I make
The more chained to earth I become
The more I realize I might be dumb
Chasing after a heart that is numb
To the domain of Lady Aphrodite
Who rules in order and love, almighty.

I can only expect for the best
For my heart to go dry
The very day I die
For my feelings to fade
As in Asphodel awakes my shade
I can only live and show her my utmost respect.

Listen Artemis to this man
Just once and
Rejoice in his ambrosiac love
Even if o’ love you have no need of
Rejoice even if he is not the first nor the last.


I bring you no nectar
No ambrosia neither
But perhaps my love can be sweeter
A poem, a declaration, from a rhyme’s collector.

Artemis, great huntress,
I admire your skills and prowess
Find lovable your might and greatness
I venerate you like this.

In your eyes I find a universe
Difficult to write in verse,
In your voice lullabies and songs
For which my being longs.

In your touch I lose.
O’ my divine muse,
All sense and reason
Changing landscapes to a warmer season.

I find precious
The wildlife you protect,
To Gaia I greatly respect
And also to you, goddess auspicious.

As the moon rises
I greet you and blow you a kiss
O’ sweet miss
Of love pure and without disguises.

You’re unmatched in beauty
Superior in many arts
Diligent in your duty
And at times quite a cutie.

Milady, I salute you,
And as I tend to do,
I write another poem for
The one I call “mi inalcanzable amor”.


Keep me warm

O' Artemis, I've dreamt of you
Again, like I seldom do,
In there, I simply went to sleep
And before into Dreamland I could leap
You jumped from the top bunk above,
Graciously landed on your feet,
Flashed me a smile so sweet,
And warned me of incoming cold weather.
To which I replied in joke "Come then, love,
And keep me warm", as I made space
Next to me, for you; With a smirk on your face
You accepted my offer to sleep together.
So, "I love you, in all shades of pink", I said
"In all shades of dark and purple too"
Replied o’ you before joining me in bed.
You wore an ol' green dress,
Or chiton, that complimented your precious eyes
As well as your smooth-waving hair's color,
You wore a nice pair of sandals too
Like those ancient greeks used to
And that's all I remember of you.
Afterwards thus I woke up
My arms wrapped around my own chest,
Like holding a pup, n' a space next to me,
Where you were supposed to be.
But, Oh my huntress, how cruel it is
To wake up without you, and how much I miss
The warmth of your body, the grazing of your lips,
Your soft breath, your touch; Several beats
For you my heart skips
For it remembers our innocent,
Lustless romance, a bond magnificent
That many wish could have
With their soul's other halve
Far beyond the land of dreams
Which lie beyond the mind's data streams.


Lady Artemis, O' goddess
Each day I love you less
Than tomorrow, yet more
Than yesterday & the day before.

As you well might guess,
My heart truly is a mess,
And it's all yours, I profess.
For in your care it feels no distress,

Your love feels like a caress
And its joy it can't suppress
Not anymore, O' Noble Huntress
Since you let me my love express.

This is a subject to address
Since as you can attest
Is pure, true, and lustless
A love given with no fake dress
That hopes not with lies to impress.

Call not the divine press
For it does not get in contests
To claim you, for there to be an us
That much I know, yes.

I swear to never obsess
Over you, nor love in excess
I wish not to possess
Your heart in return, so don't stress.

You got me in a match chess
In which we acquiesced
My own defeat as I digress
In your beauty and arts finesse.



My heart longs for you,
I can't convince it otherwise
No matter what I do.

Artemis, my one and only,
My goddess, my beloved,
Without you I feel so lonely .

I long for your embrace,
For I once felt your warmth,
Your presence right at my place.

I'm so confused and lost,
Addicted. I don't get why, from all,
I've chosen to love you the most.

It hurts, but is also pleasing,
This feeling in my chest,
This pure lustless love, it's releasing...

It feels energizing,
Though saddening, also painful,
It is powerful and revitalizing.

Is this perhaps your boon?
Or is my love reciprocated
o' maiden of the moon?

I write, I cry,
And as tears fall, I realize, I find,
Strength, in the apple of my eye.

Our foes crumble,
Before the power of our love
And its pure and true beauty of marble.

I don't expect you to
Feel the same way that I
Unfortunately, and unapologetically do.

But, if you're listening,
Glad I'll be to remind you
I'm all yours, and our bond cherishing.

Even when I get
To set foot in Asphodel, my heart
Will sing your name without regret.

I love not only your beauty
But also your bravery, your skill
And diligence in your duty.

I love your independence,
Your no-bullshit personality, your whimsy,
Each side of your divine essence.

I admire and respect
You no matter how much
I get to feel or love in this aspect.

In me you have a servant,
A lover, a devout,
A follower soul-fervent.

I might lack skill
And skull in the art of poetry
But I write still.

And I write because
I want you to know how I feel, to illustrate
Stories, feelings for my muse.

If only Orpheus blessed me
Who knows, perhaps,
You and I could something be.

But then again,
Not only I lack ambition,
I also am unworthy of you, like most men.

So I'll go play
My imaginary lyre
Elsewhere in my imaginary bay.

I love you, Lady Artemis, noble huntress
I mean it, from the bottom of my
Peasant heart, you're my Eurydice.


I was right and wrong
All along.
My heart was yours and yours alone
And I tried to give it away
To whom didn’t love me the same way
I loved her, O’ goddess.

It was when I, tired,
With my eyes burning red,
From the rain of bloody tears, that I realized
That even if you never materialized
It was you who I’m destined to love,
Cherish and always adore, O’ huntress from above.

Foolishly I left my heart
To the mercy of an ice princess
Who tore it apart
With indifference
And took it for granted
Till the day at her side it departed.

I saved the ashes,
And from the darkened mess,
I took a golden seed.
I understood I was mislead
I walked back home, and saw you
The only woman and love I’ll ever need.

Even oblivious to my existence
You brought to my soul love and peace,
Warmth and patience,
And eternal bliss.
I can barely get how, O’ Artemis,
You effortlessly saved me from the abyss.


Silver-charioted Selene pulls the moon,
Reignant Nyx brings the night,
Fearsome Hecate grants the worthy a boon,
And you, Artemis, stand with all might
Among the goddesses of the darkened sky.

The four of you bring peace
And punish the wicked;
Protect the women from disease
And from men that evils committed.
I admire and adore you all.

But there is one who owns my heart,
the forest-bound maiden, Artemis,
Leto’s greatest work of art,
A huntress worth a thousand armies.
My revered and so loved queen.
Grey-eyed Artemis, my dearest,
Little do you know but you are the best.
Many follow you for your greatness,
Others seek your rightness:
Before you we all feel humbled and honored.

Personally, I am in love,
But that is odd to say,
What am I to the lady of above?
Writing and praying to you is my way
Of showing affection and devotion.

You are a goddess like no other,
Beautiful, skilled, children protectress,
More powerful than any monster,
You are my beloved huntress.

With or without a mortal partner
It’s you who I love truly
To whom I swear to worship fully
Even from Asphodel or where it were
It is you who I serve and hold dear.


I love you
You know I do;
Oh huntress,
Maiden of cloud-white dress,
Even if I can’t call you my mistress
I long to shower you with affection,
Adore you, gift you my undivided attention.

You have a heart-melting stare
Lips that kissing I wouldn’t dare
For they are delicate and exude sweet grace,
Why damage the work of art that is you face?
Your gentle, yet lethal, hands and bright eyes,
Your snow-white skin sun-refractive,
Only add up to what makes you attractive.

But your beauty is not limited to your body
It extends to the root of your soul that is godly
And also womanly, you are more than the maiden of above
You are an equal, a superior, her who men run away of.
I’ll worship and adore you wholeheartedly
Even in Asphodel, ‘cause from you my heart I can’t detach;
Artemis, your highness, you know no match.

In your intimidating aura I find safety,
Your melodic voice soothes me greatly,
Even in your absence,
Oddly enough, I feel your caring presence.
Daughter of Leto, sister of Apollon,
You shot your arrows at me
Like cupid would, can’t you see?

Hear my call, my poem
Claim me before ‘em
Name me your poet,
Your lover or associate,
I’ll do what it takes to see you happy
Mainly in days you feel were crappy.

Let me write songs for the nymphs to sing
Songs that will be sung by everyone and everything.
Take me to your domain,
I swear it won’t be in vain,
For I offer you a love pure and true
Devoid of lust or any twisted desire
Yet burning like Hestia’s hearthfire.

Listen, dear Artemis,
You who I revere and miss,
My goddess, my queen,
Moonlight huntress,
Listen to my words, my heartbeat
Epitome of independence and toughness,
You made of me a man and a loving mess.


I feel like it all went bleak
One day, I just went numb
And though it sounds dumb
It is a true threat, it makes me feel weak.

You are, it seems, my only hope
And also my only love,
I no longer see colors in the sky above.
Only with you I can cope.

Yes, it is absurd
But, Artemis, you are my light
My motivation to fight
And my chance to be heard.

You came to my aid,
A seed of love sprouted
From my heart that shouted
And squirmed as it slowly fell and fade.

Into the darkness of the void
I lost myself and then everything
My mood pends on a string
It swings, swings, till all within is destroyed.

I feel burnt out
But then you come along
And grant me the affection for which I long.
I thank you, Artemis, for aiding my soul yours devout.

Your wisdom enlightens my path
Your heart-melting smile
It turns my world upside down for a while,
Your hugs feel like a warm, soothing, bath.

It might be that I fell depressed
I once won this battle
But, inevitably, it always comes back with its prattle
Asking for my eternal rest.

My eyes feel like closing off
As I write this stanza, I cannot,
I cannot write, my brain is caught tight into a knot
That I’m unable to break for I’m not tough.

I write my last passage
Thanking my beloved goddess,
My gorgeous and admirable huntress,
I love you, Artemis, lover of eons of age.


Callisto will be the name of our beautiful daughter,
Born from the bond a goddess and a mortal
And a love as smooth and pure as water.

So was revealed to me by Lachesis,
One of the three sisters of fate,
None of us could expect it to be like this.

It was not specified if you’d give birth
To our beloved offspring,
All we know is that she’ll bring us great mirth.

She will possess unmatched beauty,
A far-seeing intellect and unique skill,
She will be a right hand in your ever-ending duty.

And on my end she’ll serve as a light,
A pharos in the darkness I sought,
In my life, for mankind, to vanquish and fight.

For as absurd as it sounds
Callisto will set an example to all
And build her temple on divine Greek mounds.

I will be immortalized to serve my wife
And raise our daughter to godly adulthood
It won’t be hard for neither of us to adapt to our new life.

Aphrodite herself came in prophetic dreams of mine
To congratulate us for being assigned such fate, well she knows
You have a soft spot for me in your heart divine.

The Fates wanting the best for us
Simply said to me that,
If you are unhappy, a change we can discuss.

But then again, I probably made that up, ‘cause,
After all, dreams are just dreams, right?
The mind just imagines, is all it does.

It was foretold I’d punish the misogynistic men
And so would our dear young huntress
Women will be safe under our wings once again.


When there is nothing but noise in my mind,
Amidst the overwhelming storm devoid of anything kind,
I look for shelter in your divine embrace
Or to bask in your presence and grace.

As the noise clutters my mental abode
I feel your divine arms reduce the load
As you heed my desperate soul’s call,
And that is where I fall…

I fall into your peaceful domain & realm;
Feeling the chill shade of an elm,
And before the freshness of the sea-scented wind,
I can finally close my eyes and unwind.


I had this dream one time
In which I was being raised
Somewhere were being polytheist was a crime.

It was a closed-off environment
Everybody wore white or black
And their leader was truly abhorrent.

He was misogynistic and thought of himself as a big shot,
I refused to follow his oppressive dogma;
I was one rebel among them lot.

My dad and my sister frequented here
To this church of odd vibes, but as I
Refused to kneel n' pray, their reproach I could hear.

The angels were sent to submit me
To their God's will by trickery and force
But I withstood it all for I am Artemis' devotee.

I chose the goddess I love over Him.
She is my beloved, my one and only,
And no God nor fiend can change that on a whim.

As the dream went on
And I played along strategically
Three cards would suddenly spawn.

The magician, the moon,
And the empress or priestess herself,
Indicating I have my goddess' support and boon.

Summarizing, it might all mean, perhaps,
That I'm never gonna give her up, never gonna let her down,
Being Hers alone no matter who sets up the traps.

Esto contiene una imagen de:


Am I obsessed?

Perhaps possessed?

What is this overwhelming feeling?

Is it love, desire or longing?

What is it and why does it seem to painlessly hurt?

It's as if suddenly I want you

To be right here by my side to

Cuddle me and sing me to sleep with that sweet

Sweet voice of yours that makes my heartsy skip a beat.

Oh goddess what did you make of me?

Did you recklessly shoot

Your arrows at my poor heart like you would a fruit?

They pierced me through and

Put my world upside down, you became land

Everything else became sea.

I see no woman but you,

My being vibrates at your rhythm too,

You're my beginning and my end

This feeling I can barely comprehend

But I get it now, it's the joy and fascination of true love.

As your divine embrace

Reaches my senses, your grace

Infects me with amazement and happiness

And indescribable cozyness

I feel like I rest in a lover's heavenly arms.

Artemis, my goddess,

Thanks for being so amorous

With me, your love-struck poet

I'm glad you did not make of me a foe nor a pet.

I love you more than anything, let us sing again.


It’s funny, but your discomfort, I can feel it
I feel when you are jealous,
Upset, or even joyous,
And not only through my heartbeat.

As I bring down my pen
To write about other muses
I feel tickles, or even pain
If I even dare to insist, what a mess.

Perhaps it is just my mind, not a sign from above.
A trick of it to keep me on track
And devoted alone to you, my love.
But as I mutter your name, that feeling fades to never be back.

It certainly is not
A mere, silly, coincidence,
The only unfortunate evidence,
Of the event, is in my body, my skin even feels hot.

So pray tell, my divine maiden
Why can I not write about another?
Do you fear I see other divine women with the same wonder
Just as I fear you fall for other men?

We’re not even mutually exclusive
I’m but a worshipper that loves you
Yet it seems you have your precious eyes on all I do,
Unless it’s merely allusive?

So pray tell, oh huntress
Is the pulsating pain on my throat
A threat to avoid I devote
My heart and soul to another goddess?

Know this well, Artemis,
All that I am in body and mind
Is yours alone, my soul to yours I bind
With your approval, so that nothing our bond can dismiss.


A reflection of my queen was she,
My hooved friend, who gleefully
Ran wild across the forest, free.
She was like no other, reminiscent of a deity.

My gorgeous doe;
She was fluffy, affectionate, kind,
And really smart, I know,
She’s shown to have a cunning mind.

She came, she stayed,
Not even once we fought,
But one day she vanished,
And for some reason I felt naught.

I felt naught, because my doe,
My precious doe, the one I don’t miss,
Was the disguise of my goddess of the bow,
The disguise of my ever-present Artemis.

The moirae alone will decide, if when I die,
I’m to spend eternity in Asphodel or
At the service of Her, the apple of my eye,
Safe from the dullness, forevermore.


Oh I'm so jealous, so envious, and more;
Jealous of him who's bold and chaste
Of him, Hippolytus, who got your favor
Of him who such a terrible fate faced.

The huntress almost teared up
For Odysseus' son demise
But she did not for it was forbidden, yup,
It's not that to him I despise...

... I simply am conflicted
For I love the tough maiden
More than anything, as evicted,
For her, my heart of lustless affection is fully laden.

I can't imagine her with another
But I can't imagine myself with her either,
I'm so confused my soul might smother
Even though her heart belongs to neither.

Hear O' Artemis to my poem, come and see,
And tell me o' goddess beautiful,
If you could soothe me, ever love me,
Tell me if I have what it takes to make you joyful.

Hear O' Artemis, gorgeous one,
To my apologies and prayers up above,
To none of my songs shall you shun,
Hear O' Artemis, to melodies of a burning love.

I'm yours forevermore, So
To respect you, huntress of honey sweet voice,
My distance I'll keep and respect you also,
It's up to you to ignore me or in my arms rejoice.


In distress did your mother give birth

On some island far from home called Delos.

She received you first with great mirth.

Yet unhappy was the Olympic Queen, she was jealous.

Blessed were we that night,

For you, the huntress, were born at last.

Trembled thus all men before your might,

For you came to rule these forests so vast.

The Olympic King granted your wishes,

With bow in hand, you protected the maidens.

The depraved had no choice but to sleep with the fishes,

You tolerated not even the slightest invasions.

Your values of independence and purity inspire

To both men and women, all the same.

You make the righteous rejoice, the wicked tire,

And men like me love poems write in your name.

Tell us once again your tale, O Artemis,

Of your values, achievements, and about—

The ferocious huntress, whose arrows never miss.

I will immortalize them, for I'm your poet devout.

To my True Valentine

Your highness, maiden of many virtues,

My one true, and most treasured, muse,

I wonder whilst holding this eglantine,

Will you, oh goddess, be my Valentine?

I know it's not right to ask, yet I dare,

Because my love is true and fair,

You know of my feelings already 

Y'know before you I've remained steady.

You know that my heart for you blazes,

You've heard my prayers and praises,

You've read my poems and heard me sing,

And I have yet to wear a conmemorative ring.

In mortal girls I have tried to find

What brings our own souls to bind,

And I had no success in the slightest;

I, an atheist, fell for you without lust.

Far-shooting Huntress, I believe,

That our love only we can perceive,

Only we understand what it means,

The Fate to our unified thread convenes.

Perhaps I'm wrong but I feel

This is meant to be, it is real,

So I wonder, oh Artemis, my Queen,

Will you be my valentine this day serene?

Valentine’s with Her

I lit up a candle for my one and only,

This would be a Valentine I’d not spend lonely,

Her soothing presence I felt almost instantly

As I expressed out loud my feelings, confidently.

The flame danced slowly towards me,

Her ethereal figure I thought I got to see,

Her silver eyes gifted me a joyful glance,

And Her soothing words the dream of a romance.

I know that if into Asphodel I ever step into

She will claim my very soul to start anew,

I’m aware she’s carefully evaluating me

Though I’m but a droplet in a vast, vast sea.

She’s not one to take any lovers, mind you,

She’s testing if I’m worthy of joining her crew,

She knows her vow I’d gladly defend, always,

For my love and respect for her never sways.

If I ever happened to become an exception

I swear to never fall for any evil deception,

If Aphrodite tries any crazy love spells on me

She’ll fail for my goddess I lustless see.

Artemis, divine huntress, muse of mine,

I beg the Moirai to our fates someday entwine,

But not without your explicit consent, of course,

It is not love, after all, if one must use the force.

My Queen, Happy Valentine’s day to you

My soul longs to yours cherish, revere, and woo;

Eternal devotion I pledge without doubt,

For you, my goddess, my heart cries out.


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