Get My Book

Get my book "The Journey" for $5 here

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Or just "buy me a coffee" over here if you like the blog or something, I'd greatly appreciate it too.


I could not find any editorials to get my book published at yet, and I cannot afford an editor or anything either. So I thought "Hey, why not sell it through my blog?".
There is no editorials in my country that'd accept a book in English unless it is educative or aimed to children, and all those overseas don't accept poetry, in majority.

Now, I am aware that I could use Amazon Kindle, but the issue is, I have no idea how to format my docx or pdf into the size and format required. Oh well, I'll find a way out soon enough. I used Kobo and Google Play Books too but nothing happened yet. I suck at advertising this.
Update: I'm Live on Amazon Kindle!!!

Gonna be honest with you all, I wouldn't buy this excuse of a book at all.
It is not even poetry, I'm just a regular dude writing out of hobby, I am not a poet.
But perhaps that is just my perception of it, right? Not everybody sees things like I do, not everybody sees me as a monster (like I do). So I thought of setting this blog up and all to test that, to test if I actually suck at it, or if it is just my own Shadow trying to bring me down with its lies. Either way, I'm having fun with this, I suppose that is all that matters.


  1. I have no idea how to set up ads either... I don't want them to be of the annoying kind tho.


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